
Let me introduce you to Elizaveta Kalinina, a captivating individual whose life took an enchanting turn. Born in the vibrant city of Saint Petersburg in 1992, she embarked on a remarkable journey that led her from the bustling metropolis to a quaint Italian village. It was in the year 2016 when she made the daring decision to uproot her life and settle in the mesmerizing land of Naples, Italy.

As she settled into her new surroundings, Elizaveta discovered her true passion for photography. With each click of the camera, she captured the essence of the captivating landscapes and alluring moments that unfolded around her. The region of Campania, with its picturesque vistas and captivating charm, cast a powerful spell on her heart. Day by day, her love for this enchanting region grew stronger, revealing new wonders and inspiring her creative spirit.

In addition to her mesmerizing landscapes, Elizaveta Kalinina has established herself as a successful photographer in the realm of self-portraiture. Her skillful portrayal of emotions and artistic vision has earned her nominations for prestigious awards, showcasing her talent and dedication to the art of photography. Elizaveta’s lens not only captures the beauty of Campania but also reflects her unique perspective as a celebrated artist in the world of portraiture.


The artworks “The Eyes Are Watching” has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2023 Tokyo International Photo Awards (TIFA).

The artwork “The second spring in quarantine” has been Bronze awarded in the 2021 Tokyo International Photo Awards (TIFA).

The artwork “Silhouette ’20 / Quarantine day ’16” has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2020 Budapest International Photo Awards (BIFA).


The Magazine “ARTISTS RESPONGING TO…”, Issue 3, July 2022



“Childhood” magazine – Spring 2022

“Apero Fine Art Publication (USA)” – printed catalogue January 2021 – Honorable Mention – Artworks “Cauliflowers”

Artwork “Silhouette 7” featured in collection “Lost&Found” in online art gallery


23 September – 29 September 2022 – “ImagEnation” Galleria Fondazione Luciana Matalon, Milan, Italy

01 April – 03 April 2022 3D exhibition “Give art a chance”, Haze Gallery, Berlin, Germany

03 January 2022 – 11 January 2022 Freedom for free”, Millepiani gallery, Rome, Italy

28 December 2020 – 07 January 2021 “Diaries”, Millepiani gallery, Rome, Italy

January 2021 “Post-Industrialism”, Millepiani gallery, Rome, Italy

Coming soon:

From 28 October till 13 November 2022 “WOW: Worlds of Women”, Trieste, Italy

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